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Acquaintance with Bukovel’s tracks: the secrets of a good ride

As a rule, the official opening of the ski season in Bukovel takes place in the last week of November, at the beginning of December. In the first weeks it works from 3 to 5 tracks: 1A, 2A, 7A, 5A, 5B, the rest are launched as the tourists arrive. Trails for extreme professionals will be the last to open.
The resort has a large number of slopes, which are in good condition, there is always snow on them (“snow cannons” will insure if there is no natural snow). There are trails for all categories of skiers for a professional, and for a beginner (giant slalom, mogul trail with artificially created mounds, a snowpark is a territory with jibbing figures).
According to the international classification, on the map of the Bukovel trails, blue slopes are marked for beginners, red for experienced skiers, black for athletes and experts. The length of the longest descent is 2100 meters.
Bukovel has 14 lifts (including two multi-lifts for beginners): one double-chair (1000 m), one three-chair (1100 m), one drag (957 m) and 11 four-lift (length from 652 m to 1947 m).
Bukovel, lifts
Lifts are open from 8:30 to 16:30. There is also an evening skiing it is available on the routes (1A, 2A, 7A), where you can ride until 19:30. The cost of ski passes (ski passes) includes evening skiing.
All ski slopes of Bukovel are connected with each other, therefore, starting your ski trip in the morning on one of the lifts, until the evening you can “run in” all the tracks in a circle without removing the skis, and return to the starting point only in the evening.
And this is possible not only due to the fact that the tracks are “connected”. An important role here is played by the fact that the ski pass acts on all lifts of Bukovel. The system of reading throughput plastic ticket is automatic.
There are always long queues for the fifth, thirteenth and fourteenth lifts – they pull on the most popular tracks. The popularity of one direction or another depends on their complexity: the more complex the track, the less skiers and snowboarders it has, the more accessible and easier it is, the more popular it is.
Subscriptions sell for one rise, three hours or number of days. The subscription for three hours starts from the moment of its sale.
Children under five years of age, accompanied by adults, use the lift free of charge, children from 6 to 12 years old receive a 30% discount for a subscription (if there is a document confirming age). One subscription – in one hands, it is impossible to transfer it, if you are caught in the transfer, then the employees of Bukovel reserve the right to withdraw the subscription from the offender.
“Svyatkovі” season tickets are more expensive than “All Days” and are sold in the period from 12/30/2015 to 01/07/2016 and from 03/03/2016 to 03/09/2016. For example, “All Days” for 3 hours costs 530 UAH, for one day – 700 UAH, “Svyatkovy” for 3 hours – 690 UAH and 910 UAH per day. When buying any subscription for the number of days, you should “roll back” all days in a row without interruption. The subscription is activated at the first pass through the turnstile.
Also every year there is the “Rankov” promotion, which promises to everyone who buys a “All Days” subscription from 7:00 to 9:59 a 30% discount on weekdays (be careful, in Bukovel you have your weekdays, here they last only Monday through Thursday), 20% for the subscription “All Days” at the weekend (from Friday to Sunday) and 20% for the subscription “Svyatkovy”.
Many people want to get to the Rankov campaign, as this is one of the few ways to save on lifts. And from 7:00 to 8:59 a crowd is formed near the ticket offices. The longest lines are in the center, near the first and second lifts, but there is a secret: the most unloaded ticket offices for selling ski passes in parking lots and near the 15th lift.
Equipment rental
On the territory of Bukovel there are 14 rental offices. Here the specified class and “age”  hours starts to reality. The equipment is also covered by the action “Rankova”, so it is better to get up early, then save, and take a good kit.
Prices for rental equipment are the same for all rental Bukovel and are listed per set.
For equipment charged cash deposit and a passport or driver’s license. Document and deposit is left for each set. Returning equipment – get the documents and money. The amount of bail in Bukovel depends on the class of equipment, and starts from 150 UAH for skis or snowboard.

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