7 sights of Turkey, which tourists do not know
Even seasoned travelers do not always know that holidays in Turkey are not only all-inclusive…

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Holidays at sea with a child: how to plan, or organizing children's travel
As the summer season approaches, a large number of families begin to think about planning…


Top 5 hotels in Thailand for an unforgettable holiday!
Holidays in Thailand is rapidly gaining popularity among Ukrainians - this country knows how to…

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What's new at TC Bukovel in the winter season
ROUTES This year we have increased the ski area to 55 km and created more…

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Bali’s best beaches for relaxing

Bali has a reputation as a place where you can truly run away from reality, dream and rest. This magnificent island attracts by its remoteness from megalopolises, clean air and exotic nature.
Here you can find solutions for any budget. The most popular pastime – a beach holiday – does not cost anything. Tourists are fascinated by the waves of the sea breaking on colored sand.
Bali is not only a clean beautiful coast, but also a variety of entertainment, so the tourist will always find something to fall in love with at this resort. Extreme lovers will enjoy snorkeling and diving, adventure lovers will discover the wild unspoiled beaches of Bali, and lazy people will be able to lie under the warm sun of Indonesia. Continue reading

Holidays in Goa: the best hotels

We have not yet seen a person who would not want to go to Goa at least once. You can relax here all year round. Traditionally, the lowest demand tours in Goa are from June to November, when the state rains. But the air temperature throughout the year varies from 23 to 33 degrees, so it’s always warm in Goa!
Inexperienced tourists imagine a holiday at this resort as an unrestrained beach party from dusk to dawn. But this is only one side of the coin (we admit that without parties Goa is not Goa). Here you will also find deserted beaches, where you can spend the whole day in peace and quiet, to practice surfing. Also, Goa is a storehouse of cultural attractions! We strongly recommend that you visit Panaji – the state capital. Here you will see how denominations and nationalities are closely intertwined in India. And it is in Panaji located the best restaurants in all of India. Continue reading

9 amazing resorts on the shores of the South China Sea

Chinese resorts – a new must-see among tourists. For Ukrainian travelers, this direction became even more interesting after, in December 2017, UIA began to carry out charter flights to Fr. Hainan. And in the summer of 2018, tourists will enjoy direct flights between Kiev and the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou.
Do you know what other tourist places the South China Sea is famous for? China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines can boast of such resorts where you will be accepted as a movie star or at least a major official! And we will help you figure out exactly where the sun shines the brightest of all!
China Continue reading

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Tourist Guide: Dominican Republic
In the eastern part of the island of Haiti is a country that can rightly…


The most dangerous Crimean routes
The most dangerous roads in the Crimea are found on the way from Yalta to…


Skiing in the Big City
Where can I go skiing in Kiev Cheers, comrades! Well, here is our city visited…
