The best entertainment in the UAE
The UAE is the leading destination for Ukrainian tourists. The country surprises millions of travelers.…

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The rules of shopping in Egypt: what to bring from the "Land of the Pyramids"?
Egypt has long occupied a leading position among the countries of rest. There is a…


Where to stay in Kiev for vacation
Kiev is the famous capital of Ukraine, a beautiful metropolis with ancient architecture, which is…

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How not to be disappointed in the rest: where you should not come twice
Interesting changes have been observed in tourism in recent years. We will not hide the…

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beach holiday

Holidays in Goa: the best hotels

We have not yet seen a person who would not want to go to Goa at least once. You can relax here all year round. Traditionally, the lowest demand tours in Goa are from June to November, when the state rains. But the air temperature throughout the year varies from 23 to 33 degrees, so it’s always warm in Goa!
Inexperienced tourists imagine a holiday at this resort as an unrestrained beach party from dusk to dawn. But this is only one side of the coin (we admit that without parties Goa is not Goa). Here you will also find deserted beaches, where you can spend the whole day in peace and quiet, to practice surfing. Also, Goa is a storehouse of cultural attractions! We strongly recommend that you visit Panaji – the state capital. Here you will see how denominations and nationalities are closely intertwined in India. And it is in Panaji located the best restaurants in all of India. Continue reading

9 amazing resorts on the shores of the South China Sea

Chinese resorts – a new must-see among tourists. For Ukrainian travelers, this direction became even more interesting after, in December 2017, UIA began to carry out charter flights to Fr. Hainan. And in the summer of 2018, tourists will enjoy direct flights between Kiev and the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou.
Do you know what other tourist places the South China Sea is famous for? China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines can boast of such resorts where you will be accepted as a movie star or at least a major official! And we will help you figure out exactly where the sun shines the brightest of all!
China Continue reading

How not to be disappointed in the rest: where you should not come twice

Interesting changes have been observed in tourism in recent years. We will not hide the fact that globally the number of tourists visiting different countries is only growing from year to year. As a result, many popular tourist places in the past year became so “popular” that the queues to the museums broke all records. It is not surprising that these same cities become tiresome for tourists, and for locals practically unbearable.
What do responsible tourists around the world do? Looking for new interesting directions. Plan your vacation in advance and choose new routes. What can advise experienced Ukrainian tourists? Do not dwell on the world-famous must-see directions, if you have already seen them. And choose a good time to visit this or that place. And, of course, read the article to the end! Continue reading

Where to stay in Kiev for vacation
Kiev is the famous capital of Ukraine, a beautiful metropolis with ancient architecture, which is…


New Year's holidays in Transcarpathia
"New Year, New Year, will soon enter every house" Waiting for this fabulous moment makes…


Camping equipment: the right choice - a guarantee of perfect rest
Reliable and high-quality tourist equipment is necessary for all who prefer luxury resorts to long…
