What's new at TC Bukovel in the winter season
ROUTES This year we have increased the ski area to 55 km and created more…

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Vehicle check in New Zealand
New Year's Tale in Turkey: how to have fun
For most Ukrainian tourists, Turkish resorts are associated exclusively with sunny summer, sea and beach.…


Bali's best beaches for relaxing
Bali has a reputation as a place where you can truly run away from reality,…

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How to diversify your vacation?
When planning a vacation, you want to go somewhere, not only to take a break…

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mobile snow

Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist

One of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock of the Italian boot”, is a favorite vacation spot with local residents and will not leave indifferent even the most demanding tourist.
Here everyone will find something for themselves. Fans of the resort will be pleased with the abundance of beaches – with golden sand, small pebbles or large stones, picturesque grottoes, the opportunity to plunge into the Tyrrhenian, Ionian and Mediterranean seas that wash sunny Sicily.
Those who enjoy history and prefer a rich excursion program will be surprised by the unique architecture and impressive historical heritage of the region – most of the memorials have been preserved here since Antiquity and annually attracts thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. Continue reading

Skiing in the Big City

Where can I go skiing in Kiev
Cheers, comrades! Well, here is our city visited winter. The first snow in the new year. It’s time to take sleds, skis, snowboards and remember what an active holiday is, after numerous drinking days. Say it early! Little snow! And no, it’s time. Indeed, while spaceships plow the expanses of the universe …
Well, seriously, despite the disasters of nature, you always have the opportunity to visit a couple of snow-covered islets in Kiev and its suburbs, Vyshgorod. I am now talking about the Protasov Yar and Vyshgora (Fedotova Gora). Continue reading

The most dangerous Crimean routes

The most dangerous roads in the Crimea are found on the way from Yalta to Bakhchisarai – an clay skating rink, near Theodosia – tourists, and near Uchan-Su – landslides.
The dangerous roads of Crimea In the height of the holiday season in Crimea, cars on the roads have traditionally increased: many tourists prefer their four wheels to trains for which tickets with fire cannot be found during the day, and the inhabitants of the peninsula themselves often go to the sea on weekends. However, the path between cities is much more complicated than the usual roads of settlements. Continue reading

8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with…


The best resorts in Bulgaria
For a summer beach holiday Bulgaria is a win-win. It is very popular, so you…


The rules of shopping in Egypt: what to bring from the "Land of the Pyramids"?
Egypt has long occupied a leading position among the countries of rest. There is a…
