The most dangerous Crimean routes
The most dangerous roads in the Crimea are found on the way from Yalta to…

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Acquaintance with Bukovel's tracks: the secrets of a good ride
As a rule, the official opening of the ski season in Bukovel takes place in…


9 amazing resorts on the shores of the South China Sea
Chinese resorts - a new must-see among tourists. For Ukrainian travelers, this direction became even…

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Travel to Zanzibar: amazing sights of the island
Traveler called Zanzibar "African" Maldives - the resort is considered one of the best destinations…

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To a tropical paradise: choose a dream trip

Even travelers who claim to be indifferent to a beach holiday secretly dream of visiting exotic islands. Such tours especially attract in winter, when it is cold and snowing in the homeland. But many people are afraid to go on such a journey because of the long flight, the unusual climate, the unusual food, the peculiarities of the local mentality.
Reliable organizer of tours to exotic islands
It is clear that the organizer of the tour to exotic islands can only be a reliable and respected tour operator. The experience of Coral Travel, testifies to its activities: this company deserves your trust. No matter where in the world travelers are, they can count on the support of the tour operator and his assistance in solving any problems.
Qualified managers will talk in detail about all the features of the tour and the advantages of a particular exotic country. You will only have to decide exactly where you want to go.
Thailand, UAE, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius
So, what direction for an exotic trip to choose? Coral Travel recommends:
– Thailand. Incredibly hospitable country in Southeast Asia, where you can get the whole range of tourist pleasures. Magnificent beaches, wonderful cuisine, rich in seafood and exotic fruits, savory local entertainment and famous Thai massage … Popular resorts – Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Samui;
– United Arab Emirates. This state is a fantastic synthesis of traditional Arab culture and cutting-edge technologies. In just a few hours, you will move from the gray and cold winter to summer Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah. You can swim in the warm azure waters, see the amazing skyscrapers, visit the world’s best amusement parks;
– island exoticism – Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius. These travel real tourist gourmets. Sri Lanka beckons with lush greenery, hospitality of local people and spacious beaches on the ocean coast. Well, the islands of the Maldives archipelago – this is a paradise on earth. It is not surprising that many loving couples and newlyweds come here.
Benefits of early booking
Book tours to exotic countries better in advance. So you get the opportunity to pay for the ticket in parts In addition, you will have time to perfectly prepare for adventures in an uncharted country.
Coral Travel managers will talk about all the nuances of exotic tours. And, of course, they will do everything possible to make the trip magical and leave the warmest memories.

In the footsteps of history: the sights of Egypt
It is a mistake to believe that all tourists go to Egypt to go diving,…


The most dangerous Crimean routes
The most dangerous roads in the Crimea are found on the way from Yalta to…


Winter holidays in Ukraine a variety of opportunities
It’s worthwhile to take care of the winter holidays to go away and leave only…
