In the footsteps of history: the sights of Egypt
It is a mistake to believe that all tourists go to Egypt to go diving,…

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Interesting Ukraine: Shenborn Castle in Transcarpathia
In 1890 - 1895, Count Bucheim Schönborn built a castle on the site of a…


Dragobrat - Spartan resort
This resort is covered with a layer of legends and Hutsul tales. Dragobrat is a…

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In the footsteps of history: the sights of Egypt
It is a mistake to believe that all tourists go to Egypt to go diving,…

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moisture-proof housings

Tourist guide: A bright trip to Tunisia

The tourist industry of Tunisia is developing rapidly. Over 150,000 Ukrainians visited this country in 2017. Much is being done to attract tourists from Western Europe and the UK. For example, in 2018, Tunisia plans to receive 70,000 guests from foggy Albion.
Why is Tunisia so attractive in terms of recreation?
There are two decisive factors here: the Mediterranean coast and affordable prices for package tours. Tourist experts say that in 2018 Tunisia will be in great demand among tourists who want to relax on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. First of all, due to low prices in comparison with Spain and Greece. And also thanks to a good hotel base. Continue reading

What’s new at TC Bukovel in the winter season

This year we have increased the ski area to 55 km and created more opportunities for recreation and training for beginners.
– The system of disembarking passengers from lifts No. 1R and No. 2R was changed, which made it possible to significantly facilitate the exit congress and exit onto the tracks.
– From the upper station of the 1R lift, especially for beginners, a new route 1E was laid, which runs between the routes 1B, 2A and 1A and makes it possible to easily reach the lower station of the 1R lift. The length of the track is 2380m. The slope of the track does not exceed 15%. Continue reading

Camping equipment: the right choice – a guarantee of perfect rest

Reliable and high-quality tourist equipment is necessary for all who prefer luxury resorts to long hikes or short trips with family and friends for a couple of days on nature with overnight stays on the banks of a river or a forest glade.
Heavy awnings and bulky tents of an outdated design, inconvenient backpacks inherited from grandfathers, lanterns suddenly failing, completely spoil the mood and prevent you from admiring the picturesque landscapes for which the campaign was planned. Travelers will need a lot of things, the absence of which on the way or on places of halts will turn rest into a chain of annoying misunderstandings. Continue reading

Top 5 hotels in Thailand for an unforgettable holiday!
Holidays in Thailand is rapidly gaining popularity among Ukrainians - this country knows how to…


How to diversify your vacation?
When planning a vacation, you want to go somewhere, not only to take a break…


Holidays in Goa: the best hotels
We have not yet seen a person who would not want to go to Goa…
