Winter holidays in Ukraine a variety of opportunities
It’s worthwhile to take care of the winter holidays to go away and leave only…

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Travel to Sri Lanka
The tourism industry of Sri Lanka is well developed. The island is famous for the…


Dragobrat - Spartan resort
This resort is covered with a layer of legends and Hutsul tales. Dragobrat is a…

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Tourist Guide: Dominican Republic
In the eastern part of the island of Haiti is a country that can rightly…

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presented models

Holidays in Goa: the best hotels

We have not yet seen a person who would not want to go to Goa at least once. You can relax here all year round. Traditionally, the lowest demand tours in Goa are from June to November, when the state rains. But the air temperature throughout the year varies from 23 to 33 degrees, so it’s always warm in Goa!
Inexperienced tourists imagine a holiday at this resort as an unrestrained beach party from dusk to dawn. But this is only one side of the coin (we admit that without parties Goa is not Goa). Here you will also find deserted beaches, where you can spend the whole day in peace and quiet, to practice surfing. Also, Goa is a storehouse of cultural attractions! We strongly recommend that you visit Panaji – the state capital. Here you will see how denominations and nationalities are closely intertwined in India. And it is in Panaji located the best restaurants in all of India. Continue reading

Tourist guide: A bright trip to Tunisia

The tourist industry of Tunisia is developing rapidly. Over 150,000 Ukrainians visited this country in 2017. Much is being done to attract tourists from Western Europe and the UK. For example, in 2018, Tunisia plans to receive 70,000 guests from foggy Albion.
Why is Tunisia so attractive in terms of recreation?
There are two decisive factors here: the Mediterranean coast and affordable prices for package tours. Tourist experts say that in 2018 Tunisia will be in great demand among tourists who want to relax on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. First of all, due to low prices in comparison with Spain and Greece. And also thanks to a good hotel base. Continue reading

The best water parks of Ukraine.

In the summer, in addition to relaxing on the sea, people want entertainment and extreme sports, and you can get full enjoyment from the rest in water parks. We offer you a tour of the best water parks of the country, tell you about their features, infrastructure.
1. Waterpark “Treasure Island”
It is among the five largest water parks in Eastern Europe and is the largest in Ukraine!
“Treasure Island” is located in the resort town of Kirillovka. In the most ecologically clean corner of the Azov Sea – Utlyuk and Molochny estuaries at the intersection of two spit – Peresyp and Fedotov. Continue reading

The best resorts in Bulgaria
For a summer beach holiday Bulgaria is a win-win. It is very popular, so you…


The best water parks of Ukraine.
In the summer, in addition to relaxing on the sea, people want entertainment and extreme…


Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist
One of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock…
