Travel to Zanzibar: amazing sights of the island
Traveler called Zanzibar "African" Maldives - the resort is considered one of the best destinations…

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The rules of shopping in Egypt: what to bring from the "Land of the Pyramids"?
Egypt has long occupied a leading position among the countries of rest. There is a…


Holidays in Turkey
Tours to Turkey are in demand among Ukrainians, who prefer budget and comfortable rest in…

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How to diversify your vacation?
When planning a vacation, you want to go somewhere, not only to take a break…

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windows of the chapel

Interesting Ukraine: Shenborn Castle in Transcarpathia

In 1890 – 1895, Count Bucheim Schönborn built a castle on the site of a wooden house. The castle of Shenborn is interesting also because it has a so-called astronomical structure. In it, the number of windows – 365 – corresponds to the number of days per year; 52 rooms correspond to the number of weeks, and 12 entrances – to the number of months.
The castle is built of brick and covered with original tiles. The architectural style of the castle is similar to many French castles in the Renaissance style of the “Musketeers”. Continue reading

Evpatoria - the largest children's resort with sandy beaches
General information: One of the best climatic and balneological resorts in Ukraine. Naybolskiy children's resort…


Cheap ski resorts in Ukraine
This is a relatively new ski resort, many skiers have already managed to love it,…


In the footsteps of history: the sights of Egypt
It is a mistake to believe that all tourists go to Egypt to go diving,…
