The most dangerous Crimean routes
The most dangerous roads in the Crimea are found on the way from Yalta to…

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Skiing in the Big City
Where can I go skiing in Kiev Cheers, comrades! Well, here is our city visited…


Dragobrat - Spartan resort
This resort is covered with a layer of legends and Hutsul tales. Dragobrat is a…

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Holidays in Goa: the best hotels
We have not yet seen a person who would not want to go to Goa…

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everything possible

The best entertainment in the UAE

The UAE is the leading destination for Ukrainian tourists. The country surprises millions of travelers. Here is the world’s highest skyscraper, and the largest aquarium, and one of the largest indoor amusement parks. In December 2017, the Emirates opened their borders for Ukrainians, the visa-free regime came into force for this country. And now, when tourists are not paid a visa fee of 80 $ -100 $, the United Arab Emirates has become more accessible and popular. Everyone will find entertainment here. In the article we will understand what to do in the UAE.
Exciting shopping Continue reading

Where to spend your honeymoon: the best resorts for a romantic trip

Wedding – an important event in the life of everyone, where you need to think through every detail. However, a well-organized honeymoon is no less important than the celebration itself. We have prepared TOP-5 destinations for a romantic holiday together, which will make your honeymoon more vivid and memorable.
Bali, Indonesia
Bali is a developed tourist resort of Indonesia. It is famous for its paradise beaches, where you can retire, but we recommend it not to be limited. There are many beautiful places in Bali that will fill your honeymoon with impressions: visit the sea temple of Ulun-Dalu, located near Lake Bro in the rainforest, the 40-meter-high Git-Git waterfall, the Serangan island skull and, of course, rice fields. each stage of ripening cereals change color. Continue reading

Acquaintance with Bukovel’s tracks: the secrets of a good ride

As a rule, the official opening of the ski season in Bukovel takes place in the last week of November, at the beginning of December. In the first weeks it works from 3 to 5 tracks: 1A, 2A, 7A, 5A, 5B, the rest are launched as the tourists arrive. Trails for extreme professionals will be the last to open.
The resort has a large number of slopes, which are in good condition, there is always snow on them (“snow cannons” will insure if there is no natural snow). There are trails for all categories of skiers for a professional, and for a beginner (giant slalom, mogul trail with artificially created mounds, a snowpark is a territory with jibbing figures). Continue reading

Skiing in the Big City
Where can I go skiing in Kiev Cheers, comrades! Well, here is our city visited…


Travel on Valentine's Day: the best destinations
Not far off on February 14, and it's time to think out a festive program.…


To a tropical paradise: choose a dream trip
Even travelers who claim to be indifferent to a beach holiday secretly dream of visiting…
