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Evpatoria – the largest children’s resort with sandy beaches

General information:
One of the best climatic and balneological resorts in Ukraine. Naybolskiy children’s resort of Ukraine with sandy beaches. Summer is a very warm temperature kept within + 20 + 28 degrees Celsius, sometimes rises to 38 degrees. The warmest month is July. Sea breezes bring to the city air saturated with sea salts.
Evpatoria – one of the oldest cities in the south of Ukraine. The city was founded in the IV century BC and has three historical names: Kerkinitida, Gezlev, Evpatoria.
In the VI — V centuries. BC e., during the period of Greek colonization, in the place of modern Evpatoria, the ancient state of Kirkinitida, which existed for several centuries, arose, during the war the city often passed under the authority of the Scythian kings.
Beaches of Evpatoria:
The coastal strip of the Kalamitsky Bay for over 50 km is covered with a layer of sand with a depth of 1.3 to 9.75 m. The width of this band varies from a few meters in the area of ​​the port of Evpatoria to 70 m in the resort part of the city. The color of sand is dark gray, turning into yellow.
The city, which is home to just over 100 thousand people, is essentially surrounded on three sides by water. The southern border of the coast of the Kalamitsky bay, framed by a strip of “velvet” beach. From the east, the Sasyk-Sivashskoye lake, the largest in the Crimea, rises to the outskirts, and from the west, the famous Moinak Lake. The long sandy coastline with small beaches every year attracts a large number of families with children.
Where to live (Accommodation):
In Evpatoria, you can accommodate in one of the many boarding houses, or sanatoriums and choose accommodation in apartments or private houses cost from 100 UAH for a place, but you will have to spend enough time to the sea. Houses for three rooms, almost ashore 200-250 meters from the sea cost from 100-150 US dollars per day.
In the city there are many hotel-boarding houses of different price categories – Hotel “Nevsky Bereg” from 80 to 400 dollars is located on a large green area, VIP class cottages, mini hotel “Kirkintida” cost from 40-120 dollars on Tatarskaya str. Or budget hotel in the park Frunze, cost from 10 to 20 dollars in the main, all rooms without amenities, pension “Diamond”.
Here you can find places for every taste from inexpensive cafes, bars, pizzerias to restaurants of a fairly good level, you can dine in hotels or boarding houses. So you can have dinner from 40 to 70 UAH, in the restaurant, on average, a check for one person will be 100-150 UAH.
There are about 80 sanatorium-resort institutions in Evpatoria, including 27 sanatoriums (20 of them are for children), 10 resorts and rest houses, a hydropathic establishment, two resort polyclinics, the Moinaki water and mud bath, mostly located in two districts – stretching from the central part of the city to Moinak Lake, and the Chayka microdistrict (in the village of Zaozernoe).
Air streams that come here from the sea are saturated with ozone by particles of mineral salts of bromine, sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements of seawater, and from the south of the steppe Ukraine warm air flows, which, combined with sea breezes, create a natural inhalation.
For the organization of a certain regime of therapeutic mud in special pools Moynak mud mixes with Saki. Currently, in the resort of Evpatoria there are 4 sources of mineral water.
Evpatoria is a city of many nationalities and religions. In the old part of the city, on Revolution Street, the minarets of the Khan-Jami mosque rushed up. In the mosque, the Crimean Khans were presented to the peoples of the Crimea. A hundred meters from the mosque, on the same street, stands the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas. Erected at the end of the 19th century “by the whole world”, in memory of the soldiers who died in the Crimean War of 1854-1856, the church was restored at the end of the 20th century. Not far away is the Cathedral kenasa – the religious building of the Karaites. Karaites – one of the indigenous and most numerous peoples of the Crimea.
Nearby, on the former Odun Bazaar, there are the teky (monastery) of dervishes – a unique architectural ensemble of the XVI century – the only monument in Crimea representing the Sufi trend in the Islamic religion. Nearby are also other historical monuments: the Armenian Church of the XIX century, the current synagogue, the Greek Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah, – and all this in a territory of just over 1.5 square kilometers.
Leisure and entertainment:
You can walk with children along the adjacent Tereshkova and Gorky embankments – there are a lot of carousels and free play grounds. Nearby is the park named after Lenin, where there is also a free playground with slides, ladders and swings.

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