Top 5 Turkish cities to see
Turkey has long been among the top resort countries among holidaymakers in the CIS and…

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8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with…


Solar Sicily: 5 places that must be visited by a tourist
One of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of the “sock…

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Interesting Ukraine: Mlynky Cave
Mlynky - one of the largest horizontal caves in Ukraine. The length of about 35…

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The best entertainment in the UAE

The UAE is the leading destination for Ukrainian tourists. The country surprises millions of travelers. Here is the world’s highest skyscraper, and the largest aquarium, and one of the largest indoor amusement parks. In December 2017, the Emirates opened their borders for Ukrainians, the visa-free regime came into force for this country. And now, when tourists are not paid a visa fee of 80 $ -100 $, the United Arab Emirates has become more accessible and popular. Everyone will find entertainment here. In the article we will understand what to do in the UAE.
Exciting shopping Continue reading

How to diversify your vacation?

When planning a vacation, you want to go somewhere, not only to take a break from work, everyday problems, but also to recharge yourself with a maximum of positive emotions and impressions. And all this can be done if you turn to professionals for vacation planning.
Challenge stereotypes
Comfortable hotels and All inclusive is unlikely to surprise anyone. But the ONE LIFE travel team knows how to attract attention by breaking bored stereotypes of rest. Traveling with them you can not just learn about the new country, its main customs, attractions. Routes are designed in such a way that travelers can plunge into the culture, traditions of the people. Continue reading

To a tropical paradise: choose a dream trip

Even travelers who claim to be indifferent to a beach holiday secretly dream of visiting exotic islands. Such tours especially attract in winter, when it is cold and snowing in the homeland. But many people are afraid to go on such a journey because of the long flight, the unusual climate, the unusual food, the peculiarities of the local mentality.
Reliable organizer of tours to exotic islands
It is clear that the organizer of the tour to exotic islands can only be a reliable and respected tour operator. Continue reading

New Year's Tale in Turkey: how to have fun
For most Ukrainian tourists, Turkish resorts are associated exclusively with sunny summer, sea and beach.…


Skiing in the Big City
Where can I go skiing in Kiev Cheers, comrades! Well, here is our city visited…


New Year's Tale in Turkey: how to have fun
For most Ukrainian tourists, Turkish resorts are associated exclusively with sunny summer, sea and beach.…
